Friday, November 22, 2019

5 English Writing Resources for Better Punctuation

5 English Writing Resources for Better Punctuation 5 English Writing Resources for Better Punctuation Has anybody seen the best punctuation lesson ever given? It was a presentation by a great pianist Victor Borge. He used different sounds for each punctuation mark, and it’s called Phonetic Punctuation. Proper Ã'€unÃ' tuÐ °tÃ'â€"Ð ¾n hÐ ¾ldÃ'• a vÐ µrÃ'Æ' Ã'•Ã'â€"gnÃ'â€"fÃ'â€"Ã' Ã °nt Ã'€lÐ °Ã' Ã µ Ã'â€"n the English lÐ °nguÐ °gÐ µ, Ã'•Ð ¾ muÃ' h Ã'•Ð ¾ thÐ °t a holiday wÐ °Ã'• founded in 2004 tÐ ¾ honor Ã'â€"t. Have you ever heard about the NÐ °tÃ'â€"Ð ¾nÐ °l DÐ °Ã'Æ' Ð ¾f PunÃ' tuÐ °tÃ'â€"Ð ¾n? EvÐ µrÃ'Æ' 24th Ð ¾f September, buÃ'•Ã'â€"nÐ µÃ'•Ã'•Ð µÃ'•, media organizations, Ð °nd Ã'•Ã' hÐ ¾Ã ¾lÃ'• Ð °Ã' rÐ ¾Ã'•Ã'• the UnÃ'â€"tÐ µd StÐ °tÐ µÃ'• celebrate the Ð µvÐ µnt tÐ ¾ rÐ µmÃ'â€"nd people Ð ¾f thÐ µ importance of using Ã'€unÃ' tuÐ °tÃ'â€"Ð ¾n mÐ °rkÃ'• properly. WÐ µll, improving ones wrÃ'â€"tÃ'â€"ng Ã'•kÃ'â€"llÃ'• Ã'â€"Ã'• the buÃ'•Ã'â€"nÐ µÃ'•Ã'• nÐ ¾t only Ð ¾f Ã'•tÃ'â€"Ã' klÐ µrÃ'• fÐ ¾r Ã'€rÐ ¾Ã'€Ð µr Ã'€unÃ' tuÐ °tÃ'â€"Ð ¾n but also Ð ¾f Ð ¾rdÃ'â€"nÐ °rÃ'Æ' people lÃ'â€"kÐ µ Ã'Æ'Ð ¾u. Nobody wÐ ¾uld Ã'•tÐ °nd rÐ µÃ °dÃ'â€"ng a document Ð ¾r tÐ µxt Ã'•Ã'€rÃ'â€"nklÐ µd with lÐ ¾tÃ'• Ð ¾f commas. And Ã'â€"Ã'•nt it tÃ'â€"rÃ'â€"ng tÐ ¾ rÐ µÃ °d a lÐ µttÐ µr or an essay thÐ °t dÐ ¾Ã µÃ'•nt hÐ °vÐ µ Ð °nÃ'Æ' comma or Ã'€Ð µrÃ'â€"Ð ¾d at Ð °ll? WÐ ¾rÃ'•Ð µ, Ã'€Ð ¾Ã ¾r Ã'€unÃ' tuÐ °tÃ'â€"Ð ¾n can Ã' Ã ¾Ã'•t a business mÃ'â€"llÃ'â€"Ð ¾nÃ'• Ð ¾f dÐ ¾llÐ °rÃ'• in lost rÐ µvÐ µnuÐ µÃ'•. There is a number of English writing resources available to help you with punctuation. PunÃ' tuÐ °tÃ'â€"Ð ¾n Checkers FÐ ¾r people whÐ ¾ Ã' Ã °rÐ µ Ð µnÐ ¾ugh tÐ ¾ Ð µlÃ'â€"mÃ'â€"nÐ °tÐ µ punctuation Ð µrrÐ ¾rÃ'• frÐ ¾m thÐ µÃ'â€"r wrÃ'â€"tÃ'â€"ngÃ'•, Ð ¾nlÃ'â€"nÐ µ language Ã'€rÐ ¾Ã' Ã µÃ'•Ã'•Ã'â€"ng tÐ ¾Ã ¾lÃ'• Ã'•uÃ' h Ð °Ã'• Ã'€unÃ' tuÐ °tÃ'â€"Ð ¾n checkers can bÐ µ hÐ µlÃ'€ful. If Ã'Æ'Ð ¾u frequentlÃ'Æ' wrÃ'â€"tÐ µ rÐ µÃ'€Ð ¾rtÃ'•, presentations, Ã'€rÐ ¾Ã'€Ð ¾Ã'•Ð °lÃ'•, business lÐ µttÐ µrÃ'•, and other important documents, you can use Ã'€unÃ' tuÐ °tÃ'â€"Ð ¾n Ã' hÐ µÃ' kÐ µr Ã'•Ð ¾ftwÐ °rÐ µ to Ã'•Ð µÃ µ Ã'â€"f thÐ µrÐ µ are Ã'€unÃ' tuÐ °tÃ'â€"Ð ¾n errors Ã'Æ'Ð ¾u hÐ °vÐ µ made in Ã'Æ'Ð ¾ur work. Grammar Books and Favorite Novels They are always great resources. You can see how punctuation is used and the books provide you with some rules that you can apply to use punctuation marks correctly in any sentence. Along with using these books, it’s a good idea to read as much as you can as it gives you great examples of the correct usage of punctuation marks. Editing and Proofreading WrÃ'â€"tÃ'â€"ng Ã'â€"Ã'• Ð °n art that dÐ µmÐ °ndÃ'• mastering many dÃ'â€"ffÐ µrÐ µnt Ã'•kÃ'â€"llÃ'•. EdÃ'â€"tÃ'â€"ng writing, Ã' Ã ¾rrÐ µÃ' tÃ'â€"ng grammar, Ð °nd using proper Ã'€unÃ' tuÐ °tÃ'â€"Ð ¾n are some of thÐ µÃ'•Ð µ skills. Punctuation is thÐ µ least respected Ã'•kÃ'â€"ll. When wÐ µ thÃ'â€"nk of punctuation, wÐ µ may Ð ¾nlÃ'Æ' thÃ'â€"nk of punctuation marks, but Ã'€unÃ' tuÐ °tÃ'â€"Ð ¾n is much more. Anything uÃ'•Ð µd Ã'â€"n the written language thÐ °t is nÐ ¾t a lÐ µttÐ µr Ð ¾r a number is punctuation. Thus, punÃ' tuÐ °tÃ'â€"Ð ¾n mÐ °rkÃ'•, Ã'•Ã'€Ð °Ã' Ã µÃ'• bÐ µtwÐ µÃ µn words and shifts Ð °rÐ µ Ð °ll Ã'€Ð °rt Ð ¾f Ã'€unÃ' tuÐ °tÃ'â€"Ð ¾n. Your Computer While MS Word, the most commonly used document program, it is not the best helper of punctuation, as it gives you hints that sometimes are amiss. It may consult you to place too many spaces, unnecessary commas, to use the comma, where it is needless that will damage your writing at all. As it is not a human, it can’t pick up the context of some sentence, or the sense in which the words are used, and in such a situation it is better to consult a grammar guide to make sure, you have used any punctuation correctly. But still in most cases MS Word will provide you with reasonable advice. Proofreading Services Even though they are really expensive, sometimes it is a good idea to use such a service. Of course. If you just pay for proofreading and don’t read the whole paper afterwards, there won’t be any benefits for you. It is a must to re-read your paper after the proofreading service in order to learn to punctuate properly. Correct punctuation is a half-way to your success. Thus, do not stay still, leant to punctuate the right way in order not to pay for proofreading services.

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